ok so most of the things on this blog are meant to entertain buut its 5 o clock and i cant think of anything funny and i would like to have an account of my beliefs at 18.
most importantly- we have such a short time in life.. im almost 19 my lifes hopefully about a 1/5 over.. if i were to die tomorrow what has been most important to me has been my relationships with the people i love not what kind of car i drive or how good i am at algebra.. we are all dangling off the cliff holding onto the branch, death is imminent so enjoy the strawberry
I dont understand people, how can someone die for something they know nothing about. Religion is literally the stupidest thing ever.. Greek mythology was disproved because people could climb to the top of mount olympus of discover that the gods were shockingly absent, the only reason the major faiths of the modern world survive and thrive is because the location of god/gods is never really pinpointed. Religion was meant to explain the unexplainable in the ancient times, now those things can be explained by science but people cling to whats easier. Heaven seems like a nicer place to be after death than in the ground i suppose.. but this idea of heaven is one of the biggest problems with humanity. A lot of people dont live for life but live so they can live in an afterlife, but theres obviously no heaven.. i wish there was but if theres no heaven for single cell organism's that we evolved from im pretty sure theres no heaven for us.
haha i sound like such a preachy asshole, you dont have to read all this i just wanna see if ill feel the same way when im older
Government- theres nothing i hate more than government.. isnt it weird that the united states has a system of government that no citizens get what they want.. who the fuck wants to live somewhere where noone gets what they want. This is not the land of the free, if it were the land of the free i would be able to smoke weed without being scared to get my probation taken away. The only thing the government should have power to do is build and maintain infrastructure and protect the safety of its citizens.. i do not wish to be protected from myself i can make my own fucking decisions about whether i would like to use drugs or wear a seat belt or even torture and kill my dog (i dont have a dog and i think its sick but i dont think its the governments problem). I think that citizens should be able to do whatever they want as long as they dont intrude on the freedom and liberty of others.
the police- you fucking assholes your badge says protect and serve. not set up a roadblock outside an aquarium so you can write tickets for nothing. who the fuck are you protecting and serving other than yourselves you d-bags. cops are just assholes who want a job where they can be in a position of complete power with no overhead whatsoever. They also hit on your teenage girlfriend and try to convince her to "lose the kid and be with a real man". I was watching cops a few days ago and the assholes set up a drug "sting" in a very poor area. They had people on the corner selling like 20 bucks worth of weed and went up to people in cars and asked if they wanted to buy it. if they said yes they went to jail had there care repossessed by the government. should this really happen?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
oh word?
lesbian softcore porn is the worst thing on tv, its soo stupid and boring and i just hate it. id rather watch the home shopping thing. does that make me gay? not that theres anything wrong with that
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
just let me live
Why is what I do so important? Why must I always be the focal point of attention? Let me just be. Let me live
Monday, August 27, 2007
new nickname/future plans
my new nickname is The God of HELLFIRE Baron of Unthinkable Horrors. once this nickname sticks im thinking about running for dictator of the world. vote for me
im also thinking about going by just "The Baron" and open up like a used car dealership
im also thinking about going by just "The Baron" and open up like a used car dealership
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Introducing Canadian Correspondent David Gold
Loyal Following,
Since BeerMeThatBlog has outgrown its domestic audience, Mr. Prillaman has enlisted my help to keep a finger on the pulse of his Canadian followers. From now on, I will periodically update the site's audience on happenings north of the border. The Canadian sun started to fade around 19h 30min (7:30 P.M. US) and as I type this at 23h 18min (11:18 P.M. US), Canada is pitch black. Outdoors, sight is extremely compromised. Stay tuned for updates.
Keep your head up; crying is for fat people
Since BeerMeThatBlog has outgrown its domestic audience, Mr. Prillaman has enlisted my help to keep a finger on the pulse of his Canadian followers. From now on, I will periodically update the site's audience on happenings north of the border. The Canadian sun started to fade around 19h 30min (7:30 P.M. US) and as I type this at 23h 18min (11:18 P.M. US), Canada is pitch black. Outdoors, sight is extremely compromised. Stay tuned for updates.
Keep your head up; crying is for fat people
africa and bugs
its really weird that out of all the great nba players the one from africa is steve nash.
i was taking a shower earlier and i had shampoo in my hand ready to wash my hair and a big bug fell into my hand.
ole miss thats strike 1
i was taking a shower earlier and i had shampoo in my hand ready to wash my hair and a big bug fell into my hand.
ole miss thats strike 1
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
i heard pierres going to college outside the country.. but if he tries to come back, wellll all i can say is dont get in a fight with me cause when shit goes down i dont back down till its finished
issues with television in oxford
the last four programs on fox have been girlfriends, bernie mac, and those other two shows with the same cast from girlfriends. you know those shows with that security guard from the drew carey show.
i dont really understand, oxford is like 90 percent white. but i do understand black culture now so thats positive
i dont really understand, oxford is like 90 percent white. but i do understand black culture now so thats positive
Now that im a college boy
everyone who i ever knew before i went to school last saturday is now officially dead to me. except my cat. tiger i love you.
I thought highschool was fun until i grew up last saturday. everyone here is so sophisticated, i mean i drink lattes now, with scones if im in the mood. i bet your all drinking soda and eating normal food you towny assholes.
rest in peace eddie griffin
I thought highschool was fun until i grew up last saturday. everyone here is so sophisticated, i mean i drink lattes now, with scones if im in the mood. i bet your all drinking soda and eating normal food you towny assholes.
rest in peace eddie griffin
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
my god thats an unfortunate looking "first child"

anything that created that little girl should not only be forced out the race, but replaced by a sexier "concubine" more daring with the clevage AND with nicer cans, this woman surely produces less ogresque offspring.
im not trying to be sexist im just saying bill is a handsome man, he could not have a hand in this things creation
as always bros before hoes. PEACE
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